Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh my gahhh! Seven levels of shopping!

So today TSD, Mr J, ShadowLordz and Shifty the Soft Toy hit the new Westfield in the city (Pitt St or something). It was madphun. Suits, food, stuff. Hells yeah. Here's a few pics from the day.

Quotes from the day:

Mr Jyamaigo: Yeah I need some botox.. In my ass

ShadowLordz: "Handcrafted for you".. Yeah handcrafted for me from china

This shirt would look so good on a girl.

Authorised personnel only? So why's there a hole in the bottom?

Apparently Soft Toy likes talking to walls...

I could so be a mannequin

Yeah, we posers =]

So Armani looks good on you Mr J. You got $2400?


The de-evolution of gods

Spray on tan go wrong much?

Think, Dreamer, think...What are we eating for lunch?

Yeah, I make hats float

My Spoils of War

And so the collection begins

What was in the bag?

Suit Jacket

Enjoy the post,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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