Monday, November 1, 2010


The battle begins for Jyamaigo and I tomorrow. Starting with the densest subject known to man: Economics. After we destroy that subject (or it destroys us, which is the more likely turn of events), we move on to Chem. Then we split paths. Fortunately, I finish before Potato head over there does. But s'cool cos he's treating it as though he's finished anyway even though we still have an exam each after Chem. Cocky bastard.

Thinking of Summerbeatz. With regards to that, I'll give you my decision as fast as is humanly possibly, Mista Jay (the only time I will admit to being human). Hopefully I'll be joining you there. It'd be awesome to see 'Kon and Flo as well as the others. Pity Sean Paul can't come down again. I love that guys hilarity and lyrics. Speaking of 'Kon, he's taken over my song of the moment with his new single 'Angel'. Check it out if you ain't already heard it. It's on the side way over there --------------------------------------------------------------------->

I guess that'll do me for tonight. Good luck y'all that still have tests.

Anxiously awaiting complex choices,

The Sleepless Dreamer

1 comment:

  1. guy in the park... with the hoodieNovember 1, 2010 at 10:18 PM

    Shitty Stairs... :D <3 Eco :P
