Friday, November 5, 2010

Bare Knuckle Boxing aye?

Hahahahahaha, i'm gonna have to give it to him. That sulphur of hell's gon be preppin it up for some heavy partying coz he's done. All done. Help with his cookie? Well, he's got more than enough potential and charisma as ya'll know, but help from me? That's a given. Imma be there Dreamer [and NOT be there when i shouldn't be =P]

Looks like that victory of his just became Dreamer:3 Jyamaigo:1.

But that ain't nothing i gotta worry bout, well, for now anywayz. having my last exam ahead of me, all i can do is cover up my ears to everything elseee, and put all my thoughts into this last one. Rip thru this HSC and get to that other side on which so many of my friends stand. Hope it's not gonna be that hard hahaha. Got my grrl cheering me on tho. I'm fully charged.

Speaking of that special cookiee, absoultely sweet hahaha, had a pre-tty amazing day yesterday, i know i know, i should've been studying, but that was definitely worth the day. The best way to calm me down and give me the motivation to keep goin, twas a day i needed. If imma help ma mayne Dreamer conjure up his perfect formula, trust me, he gon be experiencing some pretty nice stuff too hahahaha. ahh goshh, imma take note of yesterday. Zettai wasurenai yo. Thanks babe! Running on 6000% hahaha

Tutor, early tomolo morn, that ain't gonna be fun, but it's necessary. Then packed with study for the rest of the week. Imma try get some exercise in there, which should be do-able. Tomolo. Interval trainin? or Resistant training? mmmm, i think imma go for run early morn before i go tut. Aiite.

So many things to discuss; so many things i plan to do; so many things im thinking of whether to do or not. hmmm. Well, this HSC's definitely gotta be outta my way before i can work out some stuff. Looking forward to ridding myself of all those notes. txtbooks, folders, whatever else there may be from the hsc.

NOTE: Love the Way you lie Part 2 - Rihanna ft. Eminem, find it. check it out. imma post it up tomolo here if you cbb looking for it now, check it out here tomolo, tho it'll prob be around this time tomolo imma put it up. hahahaha. Sorry guys, no idea why i post this late. I like it.

Aights, ya'll, congratulations to all those that've finished. Happy studies and let's tear up this HSC, for those who are with me till the 10th. Study study study!

But, ya'll [well, most of u anyway]
Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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