Sunday, March 27, 2011

That's just funny.

Unless it was ME that posted that last post, or LeBron James. I don't see which king we talkin' bout. Maybe the king of eating 3 and a half chickens. Or so any king would claim they had done :P. If I follow what the Iron Chefs would say, "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are"....I think this mayne is not in fact a mayne. He a CHICKEN LOL. [Oh oh oh! and you see how he DID give me a speech? Hence the title of my post hahaha] Well it wasn't so much as funny when he told me what i was over the phone. Dayum if i had just called Telstra or somethin' and got that recordin' of that convo. Keep y'all laughin' for WEEKS. He straight out called me "a blob, you f***en fat c***" then he added in a whole bunch of other words like alcoholic....can't remember the rest. Maybe i waasss a lil tipsy, hey but it wasn't from alcohol i can assure u that, someone else can too ;) I was just feelin' pretty good. Once again me and that someone else was able to keep up the rain again! well, at least at where we were. Felt...'Super warm' hahahahaha hahahaha and dayum TSD you BETTER get insured, no one in the WORLD knows whatchu gon do to that car, esp with the windows rolled UP! hahahahahaha I kid....or do i? OHKAY I KID DON'T BLOW UP THE CAR! And workin' something out? That's a must. So i told ma mayne TSD, if i had been there where he had the 3 and a half chickens, he would've only gotten a drumstick. IF he were lucky hahahahaha Well, not much to say, found and proved what cures my headache and pains without fail. I'm happy, now i just have to work out how to be cured all the time. I need my meds. These meds need me too. and so we smile. DAYUM that NB TSD, free up some time for yo mayne here. I'm ohkay all the time. Hit me with a text, so i can get to the city and HIT YOU IN THE FACEEEEEEE HAHAHA. Alrite, It's a Study Sunday. Needa get back to study, piano's played, rain's stopped, watch fixed up for next outing. I'm good, well, at least for a lil while enywey. What can I say? Mocha Frappe, Tiramisu Crunch w/ Ice Cream. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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