Tuesday, March 1, 2011

jus' bloggin'

i think uni's gonna be the shieetttttt. but only after I have settled in, made moar friends, learnt the place like the back of my hand, joined moar clubs and ultimately found a balance. equilibrium, if you will [yes, i'm still doing chem, can you believe it?]

then there's the part about getting a job if i - say - want to do whatever it is that i might want to do. coz i AM gonna be wanting to do stuff, buy stuff and well, do whatever hahahaha 'cover my own expenses' in the words of my bro.

A pretty funny thing happened today, strange too! a good friend back from the days of tutoring to make it into a selective school, reconnected via facebook just a LITTLE while back, talkin' of catchin' up, then today, as i finally give up trying to look like i know where i'm going in the massive university. 'wowwwwww, hey dom!' i didn't even say hi back, i shook the guys hand twice. now that was stupid. he'd been there since the morning, so i was surprised he wasn't even a lil TIRED. but yeah.

on gettin' picked up, oh AND walking down the main walkway is like a damned workout, ok, but anyway, my mum put on a WORRIED face, to which was laughed off when my response was a (i think my face was a lil too serious) 'mum, i'm really tired' to which the fake worry turned into a real worried face, but i followed up with some jokes, hence why it was laughed off hahahaha

. . .

well JUST then i sat back, put my feet up, then put my feet down, opened up the piano and played a lil, only to get agro at the piano and go back to sitting back and putting up my feet. lucky i had chocolate from my certain someone to put at least A smile on my face. [this happened after i got home and had a shower sorry. not just then, just realised it was 11]

then a LIL reading, and when i got bored, a lil moar reading.

. . .

BUT i'm reaalllyyyy boredddddd, then i was saved when i was given the idea of looking for my textbooks online! mum had said 'DON'T leave buying ur books till last minute!' which reminded me of the quiz i took yesterday and passed without even doing the tutorial for it. some elise quiz thing for uni, well...that's one less WORRY.

oh and ABOUT that friend of mine, he looked exactly the same as he did many years ago, and his personality has somewhat remained the same, but of course with the addition of a higher intelligence, not that he wasn't smart in the past hahahaha. Also met people from highschool today, ME and a friend were waiting, before i was told they was goin' to the city for pool, having only a two hour break which means nothing if i don't know anyone around, but makes going to the city out of the question coz i needed to get back, had me sigh. so i said. 'hey, I'M just gonna stay here and wait i think'

sigh, i dont even know what im doing now, if only i had a sandbag.

oh, my mayne tsd, don't chu worry, i'll get designin', i'll get it done.

just hope that tomolo's weather is FINE.

take it easy,
mr. jyamaigo

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