Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rest Assured, Not Stealin' just borrowin' for now.

I use to want that ISH a lil, you can have it back! HO HO HO YOU IAFCB. Now all i got is darkness. Keep me in the dark. Helps my migraine, well not really. But dont keep me there for too long. Haven't been there in a long time. But doesn't mean i dont know my way round. Y'all feel me? Put me back in there, ISH happens. If a migraine mean this nb gotta sleep in the library, someone please turn on 'Everyday I'm Hustlin'" hahaha i joke, i laugh. when that ISH hits me at uni. Makes me look like i'm on the verge of crying and getting aggressive. Now that's not cool for me. Coz i smile when people talk to me, and with that expression on. Dayum, i'm guessin' i don't look too friendly or nice. Panadol Rapid seemed like it was rapid at making it worse. Missed out on footy with some new mates, but i woulda hit someone if i played with my head ripping apart. Met some school friends, nice seein' em after so long, they didn't even know i went to the same uni hahahaha. Enywey, was nice. Experiments were alrite. Course sounds interesting, career path formin' i think, but it's all me. I gotta make it happen. Weather was not as predicted, sky was pre-tty scary walkin' down main walkway. people were takin' photos and stuff. But immediately following the dark Air Force Blue sky, was the Azure Sky. (Azure refers to the colour of the sky on a bright n clear day i believe, cool huh?) Kinda suited my thoughts at that instant. ANYWAY. goodluck to my people tomolo. You know who u are. Pain. Please hit me when i'm not doin' anything. Be a man. Don't pick on me when i'm occupied. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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