Tuesday, March 29, 2011


sorry, that was just to get your attention, but it's out tomolo. Check it. Looks....well, i'll just let u decide on how it looks and tastes when u eat it or find out about it. Brain. Scanned. Tho they made me lay there for quite a long while...Don't know what they were doing...But early mornin'. Got some subway, and headed out to see some peepz i ain't seen in i dunno HOW long. Two lil cousins, the cutest things i've seen in a while. Esp the one that kept talkin' and singin' to itself in a very matter-of-fact manner. How good that'd be huh? If we could have some time out every now and then, and disregard everything, and voice our own thoughts to ourselves. If this mayne here did that, i'd probably get sent to a dayum clinic, you know what i'm sayin'? hahahahahaha Insomnia, good or bad? I dunno, it seems moar and moar often that i want to not be able to sleep, dayum all you BNs out there who laughin' at me now. But keep laughin', i'm laughin' too, what happened to the mayne that use to sleep a good 15+ hours on the weekends, holidays and whenever he got the dayum chance to. But i guess life's too short to sleep away. But Aerosmith. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing. But sleep. But. I don't know. I'm confused. Mid-Sems. WERE far away. That ISH feels like its right next to me already. Loads to study, No time to get well, No time to train. this is realli ISH mayne. y'all feel me? I guess not. But that's cool. Not feelin' it's better. Trust me. well, just, Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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