Monday, March 28, 2011

It's back. ISH.

I believe the line before that is, "When you are close to tears, remember..." TSD, dayumm u BN! Crying? hahahahahaha, you should have some moar CHICKENNNNNNNN lol ohkay that wasn't funny. But to an Immature Alcoholic Fat C*** Blob, Tis LOL hahahahahahaha, i know you laughin'. Shut up. It's been strange. Perfect Saturday, Nice Sunday, hits 2:18am of early Monday morn and guess what. The pains back. And dayum is it stronger than before. I feel bad coz as much as i kept it in. The whole house was awake, all eyes on me, so I try to avoid any eyecontact coz if i do that (or even just open my eyes) my head would be on the verge of splittin' open. Crazy huh? Well, it's hard for me to explain, coz some of y'all won't have had sucha a thang before, but to those that have, you know what i'm sayin'? That ISH is unbearable. So finally shut down my brain at 3~4am-ish and slept till a 7am wake. Literally felt like there were scars on my head where it hurt. Uni wasn't pleasant much, lucky i could keep my face straight. Even free coke zero didn't help much...think it might've made it worse...shiiii...... ANYWAY, don't worry bout this mayne, nothin' that'll kill me anytime soon. Got stuff to do, places to go, people to see. Just shed me a lil thought and wish me luck. CT Brain Scan early tomolo. Hope it IS just a nasty migraine. Aiite? I'll be cool aiite? Enywey. Smilingf00l, hope you're well :) ~ cure me please~ i need you. Take it easy, [Nearly typed my name for a sec, hahahaha] Mr. Jyamaigo

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