Sunday, March 27, 2011

Someday it'll all be over


This is not a suicide note =P
I mean I'm just sayinn'
Hehehe. I'm just angry...all the time. Takes a lot to make me angry. And consequently a lot to calm me back down. A good session with a pair of fists and a brick wall generally does me wonders. But I promised someone I wouldn't, so I haven't and won't.

And Mr Jyamaigo, you done pucked up, you woke up a demon...A CHICKEN EATING DEMON! HAHAHAHA. And I believe it was "you fat, alcoholic, fat sh*t c**t of a blob thing". Or some approximation thereof =D
We totes need to catchup. Get some shish TAOUK. Or some FISH harrah. You know what. Show up to my place. At like 1am please. We can go from there.

I wish I could rewind back to the days when anything was possible. BananaSquishy <3. Thank you lovely.

Breaking through the nightmare,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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