Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So like, there's no pressure right? I'm not attempting to touch type this, even though its been quite a while since I bothered to touch type. I'm not posting my first post in a while (about a week for those who missed me). There's no build up pressure in my right leg which just happens to be fractured and swollen beyond belief. Oh and there's absolutely no pressure from uni coming up. No tests, no assignments, nothing...Yeh right. In what world? It's coming thick, fast, hard and strong. But pfft. Pressure ain't no thang.

A lot has happened in my week long absence. I've had a training camp. Beachfront house for the win. Nothing like the view of the ocean at 6 o'clock in the morning. And running on the beach. The locals up at Anna Bay are so friendly. So much different to here. They'll actually talk to you with absolutely no want for anything in return. They'll give you a courteous "Hi" as you jog past them while training. They'll talk to you about them talking about you (if that made any sense whatsoever). They nice.

The training was intense. Best two sessions I've had in a while. Up to the point of imminent puking. That's when you know you've trained hard. And then rock climbing. Curse my weak arms, fractured foot and indecision. I could've had that black pathway! (P.S. Thanks for killing my box, gurl!) But oh wells. Fourth place with a time of 20.3 seconds in the races wasn't bad. Particularly with a walking start and an altered physical state. Grats to the boys that did make it to the top and to the one who monstered the race with a super score of 16.9 seconds. Dayummmmm.

The Summit

And horse riding! I so love my horsey. Oakey was his name. He was a machine. An eating machine. Constantly eating. And then surprising me the first time we trotted. Dayum that was quick. Nearly fell out of the saddle, feet out of the stirrups. But nothing beats the young rebel racing up from last to almost first position, forcing the supervisor to give chase. And the rider on top to cling on for dear life. Hahahaha. Top shiz.

Other things I found out. Martial Arts movies are kinda cheesey. Maybe not all of them. But definitely "Best of the Best". The Tae Kwon Do action was good. But the acting oh so bad. Had me and a certain someone laughing throughout (when we weren't about to fall asleep). And I am the only guy out of the training group that can operate a dishwasher (and even one of the girls couldn't). Hehehe.

Uni's been alright this week. Feels weird to be wearing closed footwear. Not exactly a complete recovery. Check it.

Swollen and bruised. But no pain, so I can't complain =]

Yeah. Shuuuuuuu da boys! Da boys and their boxes haha. Entertainment for a whole weekend. And uni to cap it off with a catch up with the other boys. Still missing my main man, Jyamaigo. Haven't seen you're maggot ass anywhere lately. And we both need doctors =P

We defs gotta catchup again. I mean seriously. Why'd you have to go auwf to that other uni? It's too far XD

And the one that I'm missing most of all, the one who the world was against yesterday and still is today, you better finish your extension thingy. And I better start my uni work =P

Weight of the world NOT on my shoulders,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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