Monday, March 7, 2011

Preach my brother, preach!

Holy wow, it's been a long long time since I made a post. Sorry guys, been flat out at uni, 5 days a week. Enjoying my four 8am starts every week...yeah right. Since uni began, I figured it was time for the purging of my study area. Two point oh style. I had an even massive-er pile than before. About an eighth of my floor space.

Portion of rubbish pile

On top of that, the reason for the purging came in. New textbooks. Lots of them. A few kilos worth. And costing me lots of moulah. I better use them all. Otherwise they're just gonna be sold. Make me back some monies.

Box of Books

Also, me and Mr.J almost done with that mixity-tape. J's come through with the album cover, just gotta put the songs together and up it'll come. So hopefully in the next day or so. All because Jyamaigo caught my disease...Insomnia. Poor boy can't deal with it like yours truly can. I was made for this.

First prac of the semester today. Bones and rudolphs. Check it

Cow Femur 1

Cow Femur 2

RUDOLPH (Yeh it's what I do in pracs)

One last thing to leave you with. Don't call me four eyes! CALL ME EIGHT EYES!

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