Monday, June 3, 2013

Workout Tuesday #1

Here's one of my ideas.

I'm going to post workouts that I write up, be they made up completely by me...
or made up with the help or inspiration of some other workouts.

Don't worry, I'll only put up one class here a week, probably 2 if I feel bothered.
I teach these to my clients and classes.
So all good, I'll also post up feedback I get in terms of the classes and any tweaks of changes I think that might make the workout better.

* * * * *

So here's my 30 minute class for tomolo night!

Perform this complex (performing all the exercises through without rest continuously, back to the start once you finish the last exercise, it's literally non-stop!) for 8 minutes.
NB! Choose a weight which you can do ALL these exercises on WITHOUT stopping.
Don't worry if it feels light to start with, it'll build up.
Rest for no moar than 90 seconds either before or after the Inter-Round Combo.

Training Fundamentals.

Barbell Complex:
10x Squats
10x Overhead Press
10x Romanian Deadlift
10x Bentover Row
10x Bench Press*
10x Pull-ups**

After you finish one 8 minute block, Inter-round Combo:
40 KettleBell Swings OR 30 Burpees
30-120 second plank (depending on your fitness level)

THEN repeat!

 * * * * *

For a 30 minute workout, you should aim to finish 3 sets of the barbell complex.
Then the number of rounds would obviously be dependent on how long you want your workout to last.

*If you do not have a bench to perform the bench press, do push-ups with the feet elevated or with a weighted vest. A bag with textbooks or sand bag could also work if placed properly on the back during push-ups
** If you cannot perform a full pull-up, get a spotter, or a resistant band to loop around the bar and assist you. If you do not have a pull-up bar, then perform 'Good Mornings' or skip the pull ups and just continue.

Happy Workin' Out!

Mr. Jyamaigo

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