Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Workout Tuesday #1 Feedback.

So the class was taught, and the methods used.
Apparently it was a hard hit.
A difficult challenge.
But 'a good way to really get you going'

The client's looked at me all exhausted.
"I'd choose anything over burpees, anyday."
So obviously, you can tell that a majority of people chose the Kettlebell swings over the Burpees, this much was expected. However... the few that chose the burpees found it a bit overwhelming, taking slightly moar frequent breaks than their kettlebell-wielding counterparts.

So the easiest way to balance out and optimize this workout - I think - would be to lower the KB Swings to 30 reps, but go for a weight heavier than usual. The swing doesn't have to be high up to eye-level, but just swung so it's within the normal motion and momentum of a normal swing.

The planks also were good, but again a little too still for my liking, so I changed it to mountain climbers (50 reps - 25/side) OR CrankIt Knee Tucks (50 reps) for the clients that preferred to use the CrankIt Suspension Straps.

But the barbell complex, awesome idea, definitely using it again.
Worked out quite well, smooth and continuous exercise without the over-exhaustion of one muscle before the others.

Cool Cool
Recommended WORKOUT

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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