Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lost Worlds

We'll run where lights won't chase us
Hide where love can save us
I will never let you go

Stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. The darkness. It crushes. Consumes. Relieves? I can't tell. I can't see. But do I want to? Is it my friend or my enemy, this darkness? Do I even have to know? Why should I care? It's here. Embrace it. Drift off to sleep...

Whispers. I hear them. Voices in the dark. Surrounded by whispers. I see no faces. Only voices. Lights flicker and fade. Glimpses of a face. Boy or girl? It matters not. I am old now. My skin hangs loose. My gaunt face is covered with shadows. I care not. I surrender myself to the blackness again.

Light. White and unnatural. It wipes away the darkness, sweeps away my home. Leave me be. It persists. The face is back, clear as crystal, features sharp as a knife. The eyes ever changing with the light as she moves. Green, brown, hazel. They can't decide. Her skin pale as mine yet smoother, softer to the touch. Long brown hair falls past her shoulders, curled and tapering off at the small of her back. I know her face yet I don't. She smiles. There is no love.

Do you recognise me? Her voice stabs into my mind but her mouth has remained shut. She knows my answer. I cannot speak but she knows.

You left me all alone. What was I to do? Even now, you don't know me. I came to say my goodbyes even though you never said hello. You are old now and I am just now grown. Goodbye...

She fades away and I fade from consciousness.

I wake to her standing over me. She holds a pillow. Her face looms over me, no smile in it this time. Just the sadness in her eyes. I know those eyes. They are my own. The features a faint memory of my youth so long ago. I know who she is. Her smile is sad. I see all the pain in the grimace.


The pillow descends ever so slowly. I take one final look at her, this girl that I never knew but know. I accept the white embrace. I have time for one final thought.

She wears red.

*     *     *

Cherish the night,


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