Monday, June 3, 2013

So What You Think You Know Bout TSD? - Rant#1

How you mean, how you mean?
What you know about the team?
You just know what you get told
Girl, I see behind the scenes

Brrrrrrrrat Brrat! Shots fired! 187, 10-4? You got it? 10-4?!

I put it down for my team. My team is my family. Family is not just a bloodline to me. That's the cool thing about friends. They're selective. You choose them and, when they disappoint in the worst possible way, you lose them. And I'm the most prejudiced of them all. Selection criteria is ongoing, ever changing and I don't choose lightly. I hand select those friendships that will last a lifetime. So what right do you have questioning my choices?

Rolling with boys used to be fun. It might still be for all I know. But graduating, top of my class, in the company of real men puts a different perspective on things. Mr. Jyamaigo, for example, is one of the illest, realest you'll meet. My Rambo too, those I've found and those that found me. And give credit where credit is due, I don't hang with no girls. No bitches or even women; straight ladies, street and book smart, the way I like. Don't be hating, ladies and gents.

Hiding behind what you see, not bothering to see if it's really me. It's different behind the scenes when you know what's really going on. I've been around for all the pointing and screaming and waving, been hated on and debated on, misrepresented, quoted here, quoted there, all the while showing little more than a trivial interest and even less care. The amount of (insert 'f' words here) I could give rivals the most egg-like numeral in the English numeric system.

Let's be honest, I'm Catholic at heart. I'm also just a little bit evil at heart. If you know me, that's not surprising; I'm a cheeky bugger and I know it. But I do have my morals and beliefs and they definitely all stem from my Faith. One thing that sticks with me is "Truly I tell you, whatever you did to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me". Check it. Dig it. For when you go after one of my own, you get a bigger response than if you went after me. I take offence for my brothers, for my sisters, for these people I have immense respect for.

So how you mean to know me? I don't propose to know me. I'm much too complicated to even begin to think I know that. Enigmatic, super static and super spastic. That's about the gist of me. Oxymoronic, demonic and angelic.

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God. I am so thankful for my Peacemaker. He sits beside me and watches the world with eyes that I wish I could see through. Thank you, my child of God.

Live how you want to, keep your feet on the ground, your head in the clouds and your heart firmly on your sleeve. And don't f**k with my family. Solid survival advice, right? =P

To know me isn't to love me, it takes much more than that.

The Sleepless Dreamer

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