Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Workout Tuesday #4

Yeah yeah yeah.
It's not tuesday.
But I've knocked down 2 finals exams.
2 moar to go before I can just concentrate on training, fitness and whatever the hell I want to do.
So read on...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Open Letter to the Editor - What Was or Will Be

Nothing less and nothing more
I hear your heart hit the floor
Talking feelings and I ain't know
I guess that's just the motion

Let this shit breathe...

Saturday, June 22, 2013

No Lie

Lame ass fella just fuck my cool up
Lying ass ho trynna spread rumors
Men gone lie, women gone lie
So when you think about it who can you trust?
Nobody, nobody, errybody worry bout the old bobby

Well if you guessed it was me, then you guessed correctly. I'm so past everything, it's like I'm back to the future. Marty McFly up in this shit. But if that's the case why do I feel that psychotic split coming on again? Thinking one way but forced to act another. Sometimes you just gotta step up and realise that you can do whatever the fuck you wanna do (insert HodgeTwins voice here).

Be true to yourself and don't back down for nobody. Personally, I think that that kid, The Sleepless Dreamer, has too much nice in him to compromise another. That's Mr. Jyamaigo's job. Then sometimes I think TSD has that mean streak that reminds him that evil is easy. Don't back down.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Workout Tuesday #3

I'm completely blasted, overrun by lectures, catching up for the most part.
I don't think I've ever missed so many lectures in a semester that it'd be this bad.

It's late, but better late than never.

So here's the workout for this Tuesday.
Have at it...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Genteel Edumacation - Rant #2

Chasing me like chasing your tail your never catch it
Respect is something you never get if you never had it
I'm lookin' back and laughin' this life of mine
Brought me all the way here from my life of crime

Well I mean it's that time of year again. End of June and I don't even care about the end of financial year crap. Which is weird. 'Cause my father is an accountant. And that makes me a part time accountant. By force. Not by choice. Just throwing that out there. But that's not even what I care about, anyway!

It's the time of year when all uni students curse their collective lives, their lecturers and, most importantly, themselves for not taking more notes earlier and paying more attention in lectures. Displacement probably accounts for about 80% of the hatred towards lecturers too.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Completionist Ep. 1 - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (I Should Be Studying)

"Far Cry® 3: Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter.

Welcome to an 80’s vision of the future. The year is 2007 and you are Sargent Rex Colt, a Mark IV Cyber Commando. Your mission: get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the world.

Experience every cliché of a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) collide."  - Steam description of FC3:BD.

Post-apocalyptic. Post-nuclear War. Lasers. Dragons. Mutant (Ninja) Turtles. Blood. Kick-Ass Cliche Catchphrases. What more do you need?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wicked Wednesday #2 - Island Hopping in Bioshock Infinite (Full Circle)

The city in the sky; Columbia. Almost as outrageous as a city built on the bottom of the ocean but we all know how that turns out right? Where to begin with this gem of a game. Irrational Games and 2K really delivered. 

Visually, this is a stunner. I played through the PC version of this game (for those of you that don't know I'm a console gamer at heart, Team Xbox, yay!) although, as is customary for me when playing on a PC, I was using my trusty X360 controller because I'm absolutely horrendous with a keyboard and mouse. Typically, my laptop runs games at the highest of graphics/video settings but I played through on every quality level to test out the best performance I could get. Even at low quality Infinite blew my mind away with its HD-ness.

And the twist to the plot line. Wow. I think that's what I'm going to try and delve into. It's a wickedly confusing ending and I needed a few reruns just to fully grasp what it meant. So, SPOILERS AHEAD.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Feel my aura

R.I.P. to the boy you used to see
Those days are over, baby they're over
You decided to give back all of me
Don't come no closer, baby no closer


Workout Tuesday up, Wicked Wednesday planned and raring to go. Studies going well. Life on track....NOT, LOL.

London Gee,

Mr Sleepless

Workout Tuesday #2


This week's workout seemed simple on paper.
Performing it was a different story altogether.
So here it is, give it a go!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

For My Sister

So I recently cleaned up my laptop. And I found the third part of the long lost Agnes Collection. Designed for my Little Big Sis, they remind me of the love of my family. Hope is a powerful gift.

Here is the whole collection.

Lost Worlds

We'll run where lights won't chase us
Hide where love can save us
I will never let you go

Stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. The darkness. It crushes. Consumes. Relieves? I can't tell. I can't see. But do I want to? Is it my friend or my enemy, this darkness? Do I even have to know? Why should I care? It's here. Embrace it. Drift off to sleep...

Whispers. I hear them. Voices in the dark. Surrounded by whispers. I see no faces. Only voices. Lights flicker and fade. Glimpses of a face. Boy or girl? It matters not. I am old now. My skin hangs loose. My gaunt face is covered with shadows. I care not. I surrender myself to the blackness again.

Friday, June 7, 2013


I'mma be honest ‘cause every rapper alive
Including I, puts a persona up
But I promise what you seein’ has truly been me
But I ain’t 5’9” all the time, sometimes I’m just Ryan - a human being

The steady drip of the tap echoed through the hallway, cutting through any hope of sleep I had. The sound reverberated off the walls, the dull tones forcing my eyes open. Darkness enveloped me. It was the dead of night. 

Bathroom, I thought and lifted myself out of bed feeling my body protesting as I did so. A sliver of light came from the bathroom. My eyes adjusted to the light as I made my way to the bathroom to find the source of the drip. The sound of my footfalls seemed deafening, shutting out all other noise with each step and sending jarring vibrations up my legs. I reached the bathroom.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pub Stomping the Drought Away

I'm tryna live good, that's an understatement
They say life's about choices
In the face of defeat I declined
Put your soul into everything, never back down
That's how you leave a legacy behind

They ask if a word has meaning if it's not heard. The whispers of the unknown. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it truly make a sound? Doesn't matter, won Origin I. Everyone heard that. From Bankstown to the Bay. The final whistle sounded and the pub erupted louder than Vesuvius in it's last days.

Alcohol, good friends and a game is a wicked combination for a Wicked Wednesday. Shit went cray cray. Off the hook. I haven't been that excited about a footy game in a while. The highs and lows, the cheers and the screams. And the absolute mania when he clocked him. CRACK!

Wicked Wednesday #1 - Plant the Seed

Trust me, homie
Do not walk up in my shadow
Just respect my handle
While we bang and make the Earth rattle

Wednesday creeps, Tuesday sleeps. The house is quiet except for the whine of a cooling fan. All is dark, save for the faint light of an LCD screen. The clicks of a keyboard are heard as fingers jam into buttons, searching for the right combinations. A dreamer lies with the technological box across his stomach. He dons huge headphones. Over ear. Beats by Dre Studios. Stylishly simple. His fingers reach for a key. He frowns. Something is not right. Bass delivery has been impaired. The blood drains from his face as he realises what this means. His life is over. There is no more bass. The audiophile weeps inwardly, his heart, a sub-woofer of gargantuan proportions slows to a mere 30bps. There is no more bass.

Fortunately they are well withing warranty. The Dreamer rejoices and sighs simultaneously. This is the second time his headphones will need repair. He thinks it may be time for an upgrade. Brand loyalty dictates that he select from the Good Doctor's selection. He's been through Solos, Studios and iBeats. Of the remainder, those that appeal are MixRs, Executives and Pros.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Workout Tuesday #1 Feedback.

So the class was taught, and the methods used.
Apparently it was a hard hit.
A difficult challenge.
But 'a good way to really get you going'

The client's looked at me all exhausted.
"I'd choose anything over burpees, anyday."
So obviously, you can tell that a majority of people chose the Kettlebell swings over the Burpees, this much was expected. However... the few that chose the burpees found it a bit overwhelming, taking slightly moar frequent breaks than their kettlebell-wielding counterparts.

Happy Birthday, Little Brother

I done left shit alone
People say I'm living wrong
But a fella so gone
And I'm still gonna reach that top spot,
I'm a high shot
More dough than your pop's got
Thankful for everything that I've got
Look into the sky for what I've got

Happy Birthday, Brother!

So yes, I know your birthday was a while ago. I know that this is a little bit of a lot late. But we only just recently bought you this cos you broke the last one. Homewrecker, LOL. It's all new, with all new music and an all new set up just for you. Just the way I know you like it.

So I love my little brother. Who knew TSD had one? A lot of you actually, but why not tell a tale of epic proportions? A tale of battles won, treaties signed, and titles passed from one man to another. Or maybe I'll just tell you my story =P

Monday, June 3, 2013

Workout Tuesday #1

Here's one of my ideas.

I'm going to post workouts that I write up, be they made up completely by me...
or made up with the help or inspiration of some other workouts.

Don't worry, I'll only put up one class here a week, probably 2 if I feel bothered.
I teach these to my clients and classes.
So all good, I'll also post up feedback I get in terms of the classes and any tweaks of changes I think that might make the workout better.

* * * * *

So What You Think You Know Bout TSD? - Rant#1

How you mean, how you mean?
What you know about the team?
You just know what you get told
Girl, I see behind the scenes

Brrrrrrrrat Brrat! Shots fired! 187, 10-4? You got it? 10-4?!

I put it down for my team. My team is my family. Family is not just a bloodline to me. That's the cool thing about friends. They're selective. You choose them and, when they disappoint in the worst possible way, you lose them. And I'm the most prejudiced of them all. Selection criteria is ongoing, ever changing and I don't choose lightly. I hand select those friendships that will last a lifetime. So what right do you have questioning my choices?

Rolling with boys used to be fun. It might still be for all I know. But graduating, top of my class, in the company of real men puts a different perspective on things. Mr. Jyamaigo, for example, is one of the illest, realest you'll meet. My Rambo too, those I've found and those that found me. And give credit where credit is due, I don't hang with no girls. No bitches or even women; straight ladies, street and book smart, the way I like. Don't be hating, ladies and gents.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Minuteman, the Man of the Hour

Just a classic case
A scenario
Tale as old as time
Girl you got what you deserved

Gosh, they're little terrors. They run around, pointing and screaming and waving. I said, "Look man, I don't wanna roll over no toes in my road, you dig that? Just back it up and let a pimp pass through". But ain't no one listening. Them little shits just wanna do they're own stuff and disregard what you say. Cheeky little buggers. I love them. My not so little class of little people. Zip, Zap, Boing guys.

And there ain't no more lonely nights. Never really was. But now I'm rolling with a crew I grew up with. I aged with some of these guys and with some, I matured. LOL JKS, I never matured. I'm immature to the core. Kid at heart. And dirty jokes all night, every night. When you roll with good lyrics and badder people, life becomes exceptionally more exceptional.