Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So... Where was that exam again?

Check the price and pay attention. Well, for me it's kinda like. CHECK THE VENUE and pay attention, this mayne don't even know where his exams gon be at. cool huh? not really if my exams are beginnin' tomolo. So, location check, then hopefully get at least 12 hours out of today. Studying i mean. That's all the eating time and misc. accounted fo' already. So have PLENTY of fear. Them exams are here.

To y'all who've started yo exams already. Best of luck. Kill it, Tear it up, to whatever the hell you gotta do. Coz it'll feel epic once its auwll over. yeah? Aiight, let's do this then.

TSD. Movies: Yes. People: Yes.

Waitin' for the 23rd to pass. Till then...
Let the cramming begin.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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