Tuesday, June 7, 2011


HEY Y'ALL. How's thangs?

Frikkin cold. Hit uni today, hand in stuff, get stuff back. Saw couple o' friends, mucked out way down to lower campus, only to find out...I live in a dollhouse, NO BUT SRSLY. My demonstrator hadn't marked our experiments and so we hit the comp labs and just sat there. Chilled like it was a coffee shop coz outside was like. Freezin'. Time came up. Hit the Westfield Eastgardens, took a walk round, then headed home.

GYM. Was tiring, the aftermath was me being unable to reach the otherside of my body without straining myself and feelin' uncomfy. Was funny, good and bad at the same time.

KISS ME THRU THE PHONE~ don't ask, i just suddenly thought of that song hahahahahahaha

Well, hope y'all studying well, resting well and frikkin wearing enough. ITS FREEZINGGGGGG

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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