Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ghost Gym.


well today was pretty nice, day after 3rd exam got me like wow. i can sleep in :P

But hit the gym at 1 in the arvo and what happens? THERE's NO ONE at the gym. theres like the few people on the running machine who will be there ALL THE TIME, even if the gym collapses but then, it was empty. Felt weird, but felt good hahahaha, free gym! i was planning to run around like a maniac and do erry exercise once hahahaha. But i controlled myself and followed normal workout.

Solid 40 minute workout, 20 minute run. Pre-tty nice ISH i must say.

Now, the studies gon all start again tonight to tomolo onwards will thursday when this mayne will tackle that last exam. AND THEN be able to relax. SiGHH. And i can't wait.

Till then.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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