Wednesday, June 8, 2011


TSD. WE NEED A SCRABBLE BOARD. or play Words with Friends next to each other. I needa see this mayne at work! this mayne got words like no otherr i must say hahahahaha. But i guess that's what makes it different huh? hahahaha

What elsee, study-filled day. Studying hard, feelin' the pressure and bad conditions only to realise that it was ALL THE WEATHER's fault. ITS FRIKKING FREEZING and reading/studying requires errybody to be know...seated, concentrated and not movin. and thats why we cant do it. COZ ITS COLD. well, for me enywey. Was gonna jump back on that piano to strike a few notes, but with an iphone in hand and a cold ground as a barrier to the piano. We all'll just open up Smule and play that magic piano. sounds good, cant go wrong, and we dont have to move. Simple aiight? hahahahaha

Downloaded the PS version of Scrabble, installed and ready to play. Downloaded and installed COD Black Ops Multiplayer, but today when i opened it up, it was gone~ @.@ and i was like whaaaaa?


Well, yes. Got a big house, came with an elevator. Not realli, just that Busta Rhymes got speed. That guys like a whirlwind. Well, cold day don't mean stop eating whatyou like or haven't tried yet. So this mayne had a lil.....dessert pie. Something like Chocolate caramel Pie or something, with ice cream of course, otherwise it'd be too sweet. But any of y'all get that weird feeling when you finish havin' ice cream, drink some realise that the waters warm @.o well. That's what i felt. Now ain't that weird.

2-3 moar chapter revision for that psyc called thing, bios nice n understandable for me, so i like going thru it. I should go thru the other two subjects. i HATE EM. sigh. so tedious, but what needs to be done, needs to be done. So this mayne won't stop. Can't Stop.

Freezing hands at the moment, typing this thing out is like going thru intense workout session at the gym. except, im not sweating and my hands arent even CLOSE to warmed up or worked out. SiGH. OPTIMUM NUTRITION SHIRT ONNNNN, yeah, got one from fitness expo and i ain't afraid to wear it, even tho most people that DO wear it are like....MASSIVE bodybuilding machines. That kept me warm for's comfortable n all, but ....yeah, its below 10 degrees n shit LOL.

Yeah well, i'm bored, someone's also bored.

Listenin' to music, flickin' back n forth, solvin' the rubick's cube, throwin' stuff around, goin' psycho (no, im joking.) thinkin bout what MOAR to STUDY OMG SiiGH.

Well, for what it's worth, study away people! Prepare for the best, expect the worst. May as well be prepared aight? don't wan get beat. Let's kill it. But...

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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