Thursday, June 2, 2011


Dude. now THAT'S a hack. hahahahahaha. Cheating's fun, BUT ITS HARDER THAN PLAYING NORMALLY. I'm talkin' bout words with friends. Y'all know that game? yeah, tis the ISHH.

But enywey. Fresh haircut. Got me feelin' light-headed. literally. Fell asleep at the hands of my hairdresser when she was washin' my hair. was awesome.

The don't-worry-it's-gonna-be-hot-today-so-i-just-wore-a-shirt-and-no-jacket. Wasn't cool.

I tell you what's cool. Maccas McDouble. Chicken 'n' Cheese is aightts too. And coke never tasted that good.

The studies gon continue, and tomolo even moar so, at a different uni than mine own. Gon see peepz, gon see that BN TSD and teach him how to play words with friends without that letter helper thang :P

Lookin' forward to a good day. Seein' people, get they studies done. But still imma take it easy. Coz that's me. And that's why i tell y'all to do the same.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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