Sunday, June 12, 2011


NOT REALLY lol. But bring it on ur way round and think fo' a sec. What would you do if you was invisible. Cool huh? People would give anythang to do that. Y'all take the chance aight? yay? i'm pretty sure a lotta y'all will.

Look at all the things you could do aight? go round, taking what you want, doing what you want to anything/anyone you want, to be the biggest annoyance and not be seen. Man, y'all could even go wherever you wanted just to cause havoc, stir it up abit and then leave. Be rich. steal them monies and be nothing but a mystery which is swallowing up money. You can escape trouble. No jail time, coz invisible. Do what you wanna do. Be who you wanna be basically.

But y'all will be missin' something. And being invisible might just leave y'all feelin' a lil...forgotten...and ... un-appreciated. Might even make you insane.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

P.s. Good mornin' just thought i'd add that in...coz's morning is it not? haha.

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