Friday, June 24, 2011


Jasmins, Lakemba. IS THE ISH.

Mayne, got a monster feed for 21 bucks. mad food, shish taouk, babaganouj, i dont even know how to say or spell the rest. was MONSTER. Definitely worth it to take a trip down there and try it. so that means this mayne's gon be down for a meal there whenever i can get the chance.

So full. Tho i think im gettin' use to it, wasn't as bad as the first time, im not stuffed so full i cant walk and what not. i dont feel that sleepy either. you know how when y'all eat so much, that u dont feel like doing anything/moving and just wanna....crash out? well, yeah, im all normal normal and feeling cool. Just fully aware that i probably put on an extra kilos just from having that meal which would mean plenty of moar cardio to do hahahaha. Should plan my meals out before trips that that place. srsly, have to have a vegie diet before i go there at the end of the week or something hahahaha.

Weellll, what y'all up to? havin' fun? some of you might have a last exam to deal with i might think...gls. fun filled holidays, this mayne onli get 2ish weeks? which is pretty un-cool. but then again i getta finish a week earlier next sem.

oh yeah. M5 traffic was the WORST, it was like inchin' thru the roads like a snail. Have any of y'all seen that vid of that dude who dressed up as a blue worm/snail and crawled along a highway road? was like that. lucky the iPhone could teamwork with the radio. otherwise, ears blocked, tunnel noise (when we was in the tunnel), humidity wouldve meant feelin' like ISH the whole way.

Lucky that's outta the way. woo.

Traps achin' a lil now, dunno why, had a chest and tricep session today...
ENYWEY! y'all kick back n do whatever.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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