Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cos you are who you are when nobody's looking

Now ain't that a fact? Cos when nobody's looking, I'm your average ordinary everyday super Justice Crew member. Yeh. I dance that good. By myself. When nobody watches....Bahahahahaha. Maybe. :P

But seriously though. Today has been boring as hell. Been doing my bit for a Human Bio presentation tomorrow. And now that we're pretty much done (it's a group thang), my mind decides to go and get writer's block. Joy. And I was hoping to start on my psych essay tonight. I mean. I can lay the foundations. But this thing is due Friday. And I ain't even got one word down. Not even my name! I don't have any name! I mean, I can't just put down "The Sleepless Dreamer" on the assignment sheet can I? I would if I could. I've drawn Superman symbols on my Maths assignments. Maybe I'll post a pic of that.

Ah well. My head hurts. Lots. And remotes aren't working in my house for some reason. Car remotes and gate remotes and the like. Possibly some signal jam occurring towards the front of maison de moi. Hmmmm, will have to work on a fix for that.

Oh. I got a new computer. I ain't even ask for one. It was just bought for the house. I doubt I'll use it though. I got my trusty hand selected laptop that I love so much. It's much more nicer than this new HP Compaq Presario that's sitting next to the beautiful specimen of laptop that I've grown attached to.

Compare the pair

LAPPY                                                  DESKTOP
4GB RAM, i7 inside                             4GB RAM, AMD(?) inside
640GB Hard Drive                                750GB (I think)
Windows 7                                             Windows 7
Blu Ray Drive                                        DVD Drive
1GB nVIDIA Graphics                          512MB nVIDIA
16:9 HD LCD (BluRay capable)           Basic Monitor (pretty sure it's VGA lul)

I think Lappy wins overall.

Well that's me for now,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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