Wednesday, May 11, 2011

That feeling.

Hey, how y'all doin? seems nice huh?

Weather not being too nice to eny of us. It's like, holy son-of-a-whaaaa? it's freezin' errybodies.....idk-whats auwfff. This mayne here is wearing gloves, and ma fingers are frostbitten. No jokes. The definition of cold, now i'm worried bout my grrl, whose hands are comparable to ice when they cold. Hope they finee~

Walk home from uni never felt so long. finished lab early and walked the way thru the epic dark sky. 5pm and it felt like midnight. Wind freezin' my face as i walked. I swear I haven't seen ANY of these roads on my way to uni in the car before.

Then. That feeling. Of a shower after extreme cold. Where your hands or feet are so cold that when the hot water makes contact. They sting. Dayum. Gonna be feelin' moar of that from now on coz of the crazy coldness. Y'all take care.

Edward Maya - Stereo Love.

Imma keep callin'~

Take it easy,
My. Jyamaigo

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