Saturday, May 28, 2011


hahahahaha, sup y'all? Have y'all had a chance to kick back and think back a lil? I know I know, we ain't age old peepz yet but still. Its a lil funny and funky. Think back to that lil you, back when errythang was simple and y'all had no idea what the HELL was goin' on. Only that you wanted what you wanted and nice thangs made you happy. Being responsible made you feel like an adult. And...hiding in a closet peekin' out made you feel like a NINJA. ohkay hahahaha. Reminisce sometime. Y'all'll smile hahahaha, see what i did there? TWO APOSTROPHES.

Paid a visit to Fujiya Jap Restaurant and was quite alright. quite nice :). Mochi Pizza, pretty funky and outta the ordinary. Fujiya Chahan, (aka signature fried rice) was aiight :) and Peach Chuhai, this was a lil weird, tasted alright, a lot like medicine, but a drink that was addictive. Nice :P Thanks to my baby grrl for a nice day, quite funky outdoors hahaha, despite the coldness. And a perfect n cosy train ride home.

In reply to that movie request. YESSIR (as that BN always seys). We auwll sett and lookin' forward to it. Just a lil moar detail to discuss on where the hell we gon be goin' and it should be cool hahahaha. Let's not make this bout another meatbox again plz.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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