Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jeez, I gotta stop taking breaks

Ceebs life man. It's getting too boring. Nah jokes. Uni's been treating me aiite. Four assessments in ONE week wasn't so bad. I mean, I got them all done. Except one which I half did. It was only 5% and no one really had any idea what was going on. So I should be all good for that one. I don't mind taking a hit of about 2-3% of total mark. I should ace the rest. I think. And I sorta got a break to prepare for the next few exams. One coming up on Thursday. Next week. And I'm actually understanding Biostatistics now. Joy (sarcasm).

AND NO, MY FRIEND MR. JYAMAIGO, THAT EMAIL WAS NOT FAKED, YOU DO INDEED OWE ME A MEAT BOX. A good one please. One that doesn't leave you feeling slightly not too good after you finish eating all of that kebabiness. K? Kthx.

Excuse me, I'm a hell of a guy, you're a hell of a girl, with you I can fly, you got me in a twirl. Ergh, pardon em moi and mine stupid rhymes. Brain addled, can't think of good ones. Then again, I never really could. I just spit stoopid flamez.

Hmmm, let's take a leaf outta my confuzzled brother's book.

Take it easy,
The Sleepless Dreamer

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