Sunday, July 1, 2012


D-Wade's gonna be out for the olympics, WHY?!
Turns out, I'm the busy one.
I intern only 2-3 hours, for a maximum of 3-4 days a week.
I work on Friday nights, and Saturday's from morning till early evening.
The other time is spent alone.
I read, yes, not books though.
I listen to music, but I do that most of the time anyway.
I research, so I can be up to date with what I'm doing.
Constantly looking for ways to stimulate my mind is ...
Not really playing out to be the holiday I wanted.

I got a free voucher.
For one.
Free Lunch @ The Star.
That's when I realised how empty I felt.
It wasn't even funny.
My whole day crumbled to pieces.
The following day was the most work-filled
and talkative day at my job since it started.
The workload was ridiculous.
And at the end of the day?
It all came back round to the same thing.
Same thoughts,
moar problems,
no rest,
and a reminder that pushing myself onward,
would be the only way to temporarily block out my thoughts,
and even with that, my distractions don't work 100% of the time.

Life's shit.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

PS. I miss the feeling of a hug.
Something so simple.
And it's something I won't be given.

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