Monday, July 9, 2012


It's been a few days since I've been on here.
I've been busy. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect you to care.
Just in case anything was needed and I wasn't present.
Finally get to hand in my manual, I took way too long on it.
But it's not just stopping there. I've got moar to do.

Before I know it, Uni results are out and then uni starts again.
I wish I had outings lined up.
I need a distraction.
But all I have is actual things to do.
Which isn't bad right? Getting a move on in life.
But still. One wishes.

My throats sore, migraines back every now and then.
I downloaded Whatsapp.
I don't think my messages will get through any faster though.
I had gelato at Messina. Only because it had bacon in it.
It was called Piggy in a Biscuit.
Someone I know would've smiled at how cute that sounded.
It was peanut gelato with banana and bacon cookies.
Was very well made. It was delicious.
But the aftermath was not.
Possibly because I've been eating such clean food recently.

I've finally calmed down a bit. I was on the brink of a terrible rage.
It didn't happen. I have things to get done. I don't want to be thinking myself to death.
So I'm going to go finish up some things.
I'm going to hope someone either does have the mood to talk,
or at least not send the message of a contradiction by being 'online',
so to speak.

Things to do tomolo.
Car to wash too.
Not complaining.
I'm a bit scared to be honest.
Life's a balance though, I tell myself.
I just hope there was enough planning,
in my concept of ... semi-planning.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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