Sunday, July 15, 2012


Don't worry, I ain't crazy, those things in the titles, those single letters, all actually stand for something. Now, where to start. Went for a huge feed at El Jannahs just yesterday with my mayne TSD. Now we had a challenge going on. Well, we hadn't attempted it yet. It was a full family chips and a whole chicken. Each. First to finish. So we were craving El Jannahs and decided it would be smart to warm up. So we ordered a Family Chips and a whole chicken. And of course. The large garlic SAUCE.

Result? Ah people. Don't try that without knowing what it's like. That's weird though, you have to try it to know right? hahahaha but anyway. The chicken was a breeze, and so was about a little past half way of the chips. Needless to say, the feast didn't end quite well, because... it didn't end. There were chips left.
Fear not though, I won't be needing carbs for the next month or so. Or fat for that matter.

THEN IT WAS TIME FOR CALL OF DUTY. THE GAME WHERE YOU CAN'T AIM DOWN. and where I can actually pull of some knife kills =P SO MUCH WIN. Don't worry, I'm just not talking much about how bad I am with that game. I'm no console gamer.

Alrite, let's time jump forward. Today. Morning breakfast, plenty of pastry from some bakery we had no idea of. A whole bunch. Lucky we had bacon though. and maple syrup. And being epic meal time fans. Guess what we had for breakfast? Maple Syrup Bacon Strips. That's right. We couldn't make candy bacon strips yet because we had no idea we wanted to eat bacon for breakfast. But surprisingly... it was SO GOOD. NO wonder they could eat that stuff like animals. Even bacon with just maple syrup was AWESOME. and the most surprising was the fact that the parents seemed to enjoy the idea HAHAHA.

Then we ended up at a car dealership. Negotiating a price for the relos on a car they wanted. I mean... whut? I wanted to sleep. ANYWAY. After an hour or so of haggling, I just simply lost interest and walked off and kind of got lost in my thoughts. So the result of the car deal? No idea LOL.

Next destination: The Rocks. Walk around for most of the time with family. Made me realise how long it's been since I've been out with family just to do nothing. It made me realise that the most important thing to be able to do with people, is to be able to hang out and do absolutely nothing, and not feel like you're wasting your time. If you can do that, then you can be comfortable.

Lowenbrau for lunch. That stuff was quite different. It was nice, but a little wondering was done when I tasted the beer. I can't explain it. But I've never liked beer, so me criticizing it would be quite biased. I'll leave it at that beer is an 'acquired taste'. Obviously one I haven't acquired yet. I'll give the meal a 7/10 for now.

Then home. Long shower, and here I stand. Receiving quite the funny news. I won't disclose what sort of news it is. But may it be known that no, nothing's quite happy yet.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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