Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What can you do?

It's a lonely night. But what can you do? It's raining outside, You're all warm inside, Wrapped in your cocoon. But the coldness inside, Makes you think. Maybe it would be the same, Possibly even better, If it were to be raining inside And be totally warm outside. At least it would reflect how it felt. Or how things are. At this point in time. Wishing for a certain feeling. Even just the slightest hint, Of that something I use to have, Would be so nice right now. But it's not to be. One day. Hopefully, one day. It'll be able to be like that again. And smiling wouldn't be so hard anymoar. It's early morning. 2 am ish. And life's still feeling the same. Still feeling shit. Perhaps I'm too much of n attention seeker Perhaps it's too much to ask for, to be noticed. By a person who means everything to me. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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