Wednesday, July 4, 2012

One Point.

That was all it took.
Aaaaannnddddd, the Maroons have now won 7 in a row.
GG to Hayne who injured his leg in the last minute of the game.
Had he made that break though.
Different story altogether.
So I guess it was a risk he thought was worth taking.
All you can do is respect a good player's choice.
Bad Luck.

Now on a totally different note,
Had to stamp flyers today, I think I got through about...
1500 maybe? another 1000 tomolo morning! Fun!
Gosh, I'm looking forward to it LOL
Made myself a quick training session today,
was good.
Gonna buy myself a pair of boxing gloves.
Kinda getting into this whole boxing thing.
Fun, and the amount of stress it relieves is pretty epic.
It's LIKE bashing someone. Just that no one gets hurt.
My wrist hurts though. Might've clipped the bag wrong.

Tomolo mornin' work.
Gonna go for another session. See if I can shake things up a little.
Money's short, gifts to buy, equipment to fund.
I really need to get a better deal.
I'm gonna be patient though.
Good things come to those who wait.
And for good reason. All the time.

Oh, and yeah,
I prioritized someone very recently.
I thought it would've reaped a happy and warm response.
Turns out, not really.
It's really complicated to explain.
So I guess I'll take another hit.
I'm doing something nice,
I'm not going to die for it right?
hahahahahaha, anyway.

Like I said, expenses to pay, boxing to practise and learn,
flyers to stamp and a nice and intense game of footy tonight.
My world's still empty though. Thoughts scattered.
I'll catch y'all again soon.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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