Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Heavy Thoughts On My Mind.

I woke up early.
Ate breakfast properly for once.
Threw on my gym clothes, book in bag.
Off to uni for a 1 hour lecture, then the gym.
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

I arrive at uni.
I forgot a pen to write with.
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

My socks were the same colour today.
Usually I mix them up.
One black. One White.
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

The lecture was on temperature regulation.
Physiology. That's about all I heard.
Heavy Thoughts on my mind.

Lecture over, everyone was happy, ready to eat and enjoy the first days of semester together.
I had something I was happier doing, so off to gym I went. Was quite windy, nice in the sun though.
I got to the gym, my usual buddy wasn't working today. Headed in, did my shoulder routine on the weights.
The weights didn't feel like anything, not because I'm superman strong. But because, well...
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

Heavy till I pretty much felt the tear down my right side trapezius where it attaches to my scapula.
Retraction, protraction, elevation, depression, head lateral flexion to both sides causes it to hurt too.
Not cool. Still smiling though, being the idiot I was.
It's been so long since I've seen someone.
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

Came home, after a rush to the car. People were in a rush to get home.
Shower, changed, ironed  clothing, fixed up hair, ironed clothing again because they wrinkled.
Cologne. I haven't touched my cologne for over half a year. I only ever used it on certain occasions.
Waited patiently for me to cool down.
Then I headed out for the city.
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

Even the traffic jams didn't stop me from smiling, I was so excited. But in the back of my mind...
Something appeared. A cloud, a dark cloud. It was grinning at the rest of me.
What are you smiling for, hmm?
Starbucks on George St, closest to the cinemas, 13:00.
Heavy thoughts on my mind.

A blur. A coffee. A decision.
Heavy thoughts on my mind. Why?

Now tonight in my suburb. Gunshots. A resident shot.
Everything's quiet. I'm out.
This was not what I had in mind.
Not what I had in my mind at all.

Mr. Jyamaigo.

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