Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Talk about taking kebabs to a new level.
The shish roll I had today, was off the hook.
I never even knew this sort of roll existed.
But alas, I experienced it, and it was awesome.

Impulse bought a basketball, just because we wanted to play.
Played ball for a good while, met some people.
First day lecture was completely a waste of time.
Talking through the course outline took less than 30 minutes.
So instead of having the feeling of going home,
everyone was against going home after making their way out just for 30 minutes.

Gym was omitted today, I've found some problems.
So I'm going to monitor these problems and hopefully,
be rid of them as soon as I can.

Tomorrow's a big day. Uni for an hour
(hopefully it'll be the full hour or close to it this time)
and then gym, to which I'm going twice as hard,
due to my absence for the past few days.
Then it's out to the city. For a surprise I guess~

So, regardless of survival of the day following today,
I'll be alright. To be honest it's the chills of the night,
that lead me into thinking that it's all overly complicated.
Given this idea. Most people find normal thoughts, rather simple.
And abnormal thoughts, to be rather silly and overly complex,
And completely ridiculous thoughts, to be genius.
And totally acceptable.

So to that I can comfortably say,
That Max Brenner, has the sweetest mocha,
That I have ever tasted.
Try it though, I know you'll all like it.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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