Sunday, April 29, 2012

What's going on?

Nothing Much.
Don't Care.
Don't think about it.
Don't really even know...
What's goin' on.

It just seems correct to act,
in a certain way.
So I do it. I'm not really...
So to speak.

It's moar like...
I'm doing what I think would...
hurt? no,
That's too harsh.
Maybe just a little bit of everything.

I hope starving's not an idea.
Starving is bad.
Don't do it because of me.
Don't do it because you think...
it's a healthy diet.


When you're blue.
Even the taste of ice cream...
The sweetness will overwhelm
your senses.
The coldness will freeze
your senses.
Now, not only are you down.
You're also uncomfortable.
And the ice cream is just another...
How sharing ice cream,
use to warm you up.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

P.S. Imma start using TiE. See if I can set that trend =P
 TiE = Take it Easy

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