Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Night Time.

I know a lot of people who like the night time.
I like the night time.
I use to anyway.
Don't get me wrong.
It's not all bad now.
I just don't like a big part of it now.
Because a big part of it is missing.

And now I don't like the night time.
I'm constantly in need of a distraction.
Be it study.
Be it reorganizing my work.
Be it planning to reorganize my work.
Be it look for a game to play.
(And I say this because I'm not a very big fan of games at all.)
And it always hits the moment where...
There's none of that.
Nothing to do.
Nothing to keep my distracted.
Nothing to keep me from thinking.

Everyone I know hates it when I think.
-I- hate it when I think.
Hence the search for distractions.

The night time's left me.
I'm hoping one day...
It'll come back...
And maybe I won't feel the need...
To look for a distraction.

Wishing upon a star seems ironic.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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