Saturday, November 26, 2011

Two words.

Use your imagination. You'd be surprised at what people come up with when you say that to them. It's just bizarre. But Enywey, stuff it, what's been up y'all, whats been happenin'?

Had the longest day pickin' up the phone. Who ever knew, pickin' up the phone and dealing with so many strangers that just suddenly want to talk to you, could bring your ears to curl in pain and your head to pulse in anticipation for each coming break, and finally for the conclusion of a day that was threatening to become an extra day of the same routine. The body adapts though. I've learnt that from several different topics and disciplines, so I guess the majority can't be THAT incorrect, correct? So no, Sunday work would've just brought me to my knees and probably pushing up the daisies to some degree.

Small world though, on the day before today, I had the phone answered by the most polite and understanding interviewee EVER. And after the standard procedure, she even insisted that she made her husband do the opinion poll we were conducting. Turns out. She was the head of market research companies, so she 'understood' what we had to do. So... that was that.

But. Good news everyone. I have to train three people as part of my professional development in my fitness course. So friends, imma need some assistance and some patience (IF you allow me to train y'all). I promise not to be unfair...all the time... =P

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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