Monday, November 7, 2011


That's why I pick and choose, I don't get shit confused.

Jyamaigo almost done. Croft almost done. ShadowLordz started today. The Sleepless Dreamer starts after one more night of feverish dreaming. Maybe I'll have another one like the one we discussed, Miss Croft? Reeeeeeeoooowwwwww. But in all seriousness...Chemistry. Hopefully we can nail this semester. Stupid WAM crap. But yeah, time to start trying. Or so I say.

Finals, round 2. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday. Awesome line up. Yeah, right. Y U NO SPACE IT BETTER, UNI TIMETABLER?! Oops.

Bring it on. My brain so dead I can't even ramble. Whaddafug? Oh well.

Seeing the darkness at the beginning of the tunnel,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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