Saturday, October 29, 2011


That's bout right, 2 exams outta the 5 down and i'm feelin' pretty ... down. Wait, that ain't right...i just finished exams... why do I feel down? Don't ask me. I don't know. And honestly, i really don't think knowing will help at all. So once again, silence is golden. Finished a 2 and a half hour exam in less than an hour, spent a lil while checkin' it, and then checked out with 45 minutes of the exam left to go. Felt like a bawse. But a very unsure one...what if i misunderstood half the questions? Are the ones i guessed going to be right? Hopefully.

Was a conversation of a wait, talking with people i didn't usually talk to, be it from my course, or be it some people who i didn't know at all. We just conversed. Exam all in all sounded like everyone flunked it. With a hint of someone who 'studied-but-tried-ridiculously-hard-to-insist-that-he-didn't'. That should've been a hint that the rest of my day was going to be the world's challenge to see what could get to me. But hahaha, it's just not that easy.

Ride home was like an oven in the car, air con didn't even feel like air, felt like the bare ventilation you could get into an oven without stopping the process of cooking. And hell, I was cookin'. A seat at home was not long lived as i was once again pulled up, and taken to the gym. This time was different tho. This times was a progression. It was a workout executed by none other than the big-gEST man. Yeah, that's right. The Terminator. ARNIE. This was the workout. and believe me, this one IS actually a LOT easier said than done. I kid you not.

(Warm up, i did my own warm-up. Coz warm up IS realli that important. Don't neglect it. Mark my words boys n grrls.)

Then? (a and b, mean superset.)
1a) Bench Press
1b) Pull ups
2a) Incline Bench Press
2b) Seated Row
3a) Dumbell Flies (Flat)
3b) Bent-over Rows
4a) Dips
4b) Chin-ups
5) Lying Chest stretch
Additional Tricep exercises:
6) Tricep Pushdowns
7) Bent-over Tricep Extensions

Cooldown, and stretch (Arnie poses as a cool down, i can't afford to do that yet, coz ....well, people will laugh at me LOL trust me, i WILL when i DO get shredded tho xP) oh and cooldown? equally as important as warm up. SO DO IT.

That workout wasn't just physically draining. If you don't have the mental capacity and strength, you won't even get past the first few exercises. And this is using a weight you could JUST do 8-10 reps on for each exercise. It's intense stuff.

Then it's home timee, shower time, then YOUCH YOU SON OF A.....WHO THE HELL PUT U THERE, AND ON?! it was a bloody hair straightener, and it was on, but not plugged in, and apparently VERY hot. Cold water for 15-20 minutes did its job...till the hot water from the shower came in contact with the skin. And so yeah. Cold shower it was.

Movin' on. Monday's another exam day. Imma needa get that ALL down by the end of the night tomolo. Not Buts.

Well, imma check out, when gym's been the best part of my day, you know i haven't had the greatest of days. But, as i've said before, you can't always get what you want. That's life aye? Enywey.

Wish me Luck.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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