Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Break Please.

Too much study, too little time. It's like you have so much energy normally, and then suddenly, just as you get comfortable just cruising your way through whatever it is you're doing, you suddenly have a deadline or an EXAM. Then that cruise control button's suddenly broken and you're stuck, feeling like it's gon be alright and not at all fearing the exams ahead. Well, I'm lucky, i guess, i'm half stuck on that cruise control, things that i WANT to do have become an excuse to get work done rather than using them as motivation hahahha

Anyway, who wants to talk about study? Hit uni for study group today with a few mates, fiddling around with the software and trying to label diagrams and systems of the body, I'm pretty sure moar than 95% of it all WAS guess-work. Probably a good idea to actually learn some of the stuff in class next time. But for now, as we kids do, we blame our teacher xP but seriously! in this case, the demonstrator we had had realli no spirit in her whatsoever. So falling asleep even with cadavers in front of you was possible. And i'll be honest, i dozed off a few times too, before realising that i didn't want to face-plant in a specimen and waking up immediately.

But tried a muffin from uni, chocolate chip muffin. Said i'd try one of these things since first sem, but never got around to it, i was originally going to grab chocolate coz it was moar convenient, but turns out, the muffins were right there waiting for me to purchase, and so i did. Pretty good, gonna ask for it to be heated up next time tho, possibly grab some ice cream with it. That'd make a pre-tty nice muffin i reckon =P

After uni, went home, sunk into my computer seat just to be shaken up by none other than the GYM. So impromptu gym session it was! Legs, Shoulders, Biceps. Fixed my workout today a little, started with HIIT (a good 12 minutes that basically OVER-warmed up my legs, but hey =P its gym hahaha); followed by Legs first up, superset my exercises.
Agonist-antagonist style. Leg extensions followed by Hamstring curls.
Squats separately.
Standing one-legged calf raises with a 20kg plate coz i haven't done this exercise before. [Form > Pride]
Shoulders was:
Standing shoulder presses super-setted with lateral raises.
Upright Rows super-setted with Barbell Shrugs
Alternating Curls
Standard arm Curls (One and a half regime)
Concentration Curls

Pretty cool stuff, gym. Then it was just plain study till now. PSYC study. Of the brain tho, so i'm guessing it'll help with the anatomy study tomolo!

Wish me luck and hope all is well for me and for y'all!
But for now, Adios, goodnight!

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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