Friday, October 28, 2011


I feel a storm coming.

Cadavers, Plastic models and Chairs.
Dead. Silent. Immovable Objects (coz you can't touch them in the exam)
Tomolo's exam is going to go DOWNNNNNN,
Studied so hard that when i close my eyes...all i see are specimens with labels and names, probably not even the right ones, but they're in there! So i can't be THAT bad right?

Learnt moar in today's few hours than i did in the whole of this semester. I actually touched and sort through moar specimens than i had in all my lab classes combined. I guess there IS kinda a connection between actual hands-on and learning and understanding what you're...being taught hahahaha

Well, we aren't smart for no reason! So onward! Dude. Yesterday's Standing One-legged Calf Raises? My calves are GONE. Talking a bout raising, i can't even relax em. stretching needed and probably a lighter plate. My calves can't handle as much as my arms can yet. Baby steps.

Speakin' of baby steps. No HOUSE this week. A special double ep next week tho. Halloween special or somethin' rather. Lookin' forward to it =P. HIMYM as usual, TBBT...that's tomolo....i think.

Wish me luck tho boys n grrls. Imma need all I can get.

Leave y'all with a lil something that popped up today.
The little joys in life,
From a maccas cookie box comes...

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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