Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Life, disconnected.

Life, disconnected.

I am back again writing up my sporadic rants when I am distracted at midnight and unable to perform basic mathematics.

What I wanted to ask was, when, if ever possible are we disconnected from the internet?

As I watch Pacific Rim with my father, we are brought together by our love of Mecha and action films yet as I eye across the room, I see my other two sisters distracted by their little gizmos on their laps.

The elder is playing on her iphone and the younger is fiddling with her Samsung Galaxy. I feel slightly uneasy at this thought, as it appears that no one is paying attention.

I am tempted to hop on my phone to help translate ideas and the context for my father (who is unable to comprehend English). I use my smart phone to look up translations for him and try to convey with as many hand gestures as possible to explain to him what is going on but I figured that it was probably just better to let him sit back and watch the action and the dazzling effects.


My other two sisters, watching me struggle with my inability to explain the context, fiddle with their little devices to look up translations such as the word ‘nuclear energy’ as I never quite grasped that word in my study.

I sat back for a bit and contemplated, when, if ever, are we disconnected from the internet world?


I sit in my lectures at university by myself and I can peer into the other people’s laptops and check out their Facebook profiles. It surely seems infinitely more exciting than my dead Facebook account, where the last update was a tagged photo from a game of Heads up. I wonder; is anyone paying attention at all in class?

Sometimes, there is a niggling question that plays at the back of mind, what are we really doing with out time?

The internet is great in many aspects, it helps me communicate and bridge the language gap that I greatly suffer from and it brings my family together despite my other half, feeling that the internet has also created a sense of unease and loneliness unfathomable to the days before the internet.

With the cases of cyber bullying and the ironic feeling of loneliness lingering the background, I sometimes, wonder what would people be doing without the internet?

I am torn and I reach no conclusion at all. The internet, in itself is beautiful as it is to me, analogous to the universe and perpetually expanding, yet it has become so large that sometimes, I feel ironically disconnected from everyone. There is a strange sort of distance from the people that live close to me and those that I feel that I should have some relations with and yet, the internet also provides me with a platform where I can communicate to people from across the world that I feel that I have some rare affinity to.

I wanted to leave it to you, what would life be like, if we disconnected ourselves for moment? What would change?

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