Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chapter One - Reserved Seating

You don't even know what you want from love anymore
I search for somethin' I'm missing and disappear when I'm bored
But girl, what qualities was I lookin' for before?
Who you settlin' for? Who better for you than the boy, huh?

The words reverberated through his head, bouncing around the inside of his mind. Bass coursed through the headphones, the rhythmic thump, thump, thump pleasing his senses. Sebastian sighed. Walking around with his headphones blaring was one of the only ways he could relax lately. For a kid, he sure had a lot on his mind. And there was about to be a whole lot more.

The bus rounded the corner unexpectedly, it's bright red chassis catching the light and Sebastian's attention. He was still two hundred metres from the bus stop. He couldn't be late. Not today. Not again. 

"Well, shit!" Sebastian bolted. Wind clawed at his clothes as he picked up speed. He tore down the street at a blistering pace. By the time he reached the stop, mere seconds before the bus, his muscles ached and a thin film of sweat covered his skin. Worth it, Sebastian thought to himself, I made it. He clambered aboard. 

A wall of noise greeted him. Dozens of school kids lined the seats, packing the bus. They were everywhere, even filling the aisle. Sebastian pushed past them. Some who knew him moved out of his way, others were indifferent to his cause. Here he was just another face in the crowd. A matching uniform, a backpack like every other student on the bus, all heading to the same destination. Finally, he reached the end. Unlike the rest of the bus, this area was different. The conventional seating gave way to an open area with seats lining the edges. Each row of seats was occupied by either a student or their bag and the largest of them sat directly in front of Sebastian.

He looked Sebastian up and down. Blonde hair sat in a mohawk upon his head. Hazel eyes glared at him from above prominent cheekbones. The shirt he wore was stretched tight across his chest, barely able to contain the muscle that lay beneath. As Sebastian walked up he folded his arms, corded muscles tensing. Sebastian stared straight back at him.

"Shut up, Michael," Sebastian growled, before moving a bag to his left and taking its place. The big blonde boy chuckled, a smile breaking out across his face.

"Man, you always late!" he replied.

"Lost in his own world all the time, that's why," the brown haired boy beside him interjected.

"Nah, Gabe, I reckon it's all that beauty sleep that Pretty Boy tries to get."

"It's the first day back. Give him credit for trying at least. Besides, if anyone loves their beauty sleep, we know it's you. Everyone knows you're the Pretty Boy, ain't that right Princess?" This time it was the boy sitting across from Sebastian.

"Awww, come on Raph, don't be mean to Micky!" Veronica, Michael's girlfriend, piped up indignantly from beside him.

"You gonna deny it?"

"," she said before laughing and messing up Michael's hair as he feigned shock and despair.

"Not the hair! Nooooo!" he wailed, playfully.

Smiling, Sebastian looked at the four of them. "Glad to see things haven't changed a bit. It's good to be back, guys."

"Salut, la famiglia!" Michael called out from under Veronica's headlock.

"Salut!" the other four called back. And so it begins, Sebastian thought to himself.

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