Tuesday, September 17, 2013


New shit don't excite me no more
Guess that they don't really make them like me no more
You can look me in my eyes and see I ain't myself
Cause if y'all what I created then I hate myself

Tell me how the fuck we supposed to stay friends when you got a bunch of feelings that you don't show? Sitting here staring at an empty glass. And no, it's not half full or half empty. It's straight empty. So's the bottle. I need erasure. That's what the Patrón is for.

Illusions and confusions. Still trying to work out the puzzle called life and where all these pieces fit. Here for a moment, a single fleeting moment, then gone. Not dead. Just gone. 'Cause you took it all, tore it up, shredded it to pieces and then left me standing here. You knew it wasn't the first time. You knew my trust issues. You still went and did the one thing you know I can't forgive. Swig. Patrón.

They tell me don't think about it too much but fuck that. I'm gonna have fun with it. Easy come, easy go. Take another sip from the bottle. Patrón.

All my baby friends growing up. Graduation come and gone. Just tests left before you become secondary alumni and hit the tertiary world. Shout out to my brethren. You passed through the easiest eye of the storm you're ever going to come across. Welcome to the world of wishing you were back at school. Raise a toast: May your neighbours respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you and heaven accept you. Here's to you. Patrón.

We used to be friends but there's issues we're not talking through. Works for me though. Do you, I'll do me and maybe one day sentiments will change. It's gonna take a while and maybe even forever. Fresh scars tend to do that. I got my crew to help me forget you. And these warm nights and cold Patrón.

And to Pax. When I find it, I'll no longer need you. Yeah, right. I'm always gonna need you so don't even think about leaving. You're the best guardian I could have. My Patron.

I just love when I'm with you,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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