Monday, August 19, 2013

The Antithesis - Why So Cereal?

You got comedy cash
I’m a quarter of the Slaughter, half of the dream team, the anomaly Bad
We here to riot the scene
Quiet your entire college up, tie up your dean

So this popped up on my news feed today and it seemed quite apt considering the occasion. 

Get ready to get heavy, my brother.

You walked into my life about 8 years ago. Eight years. That's a long time ago mi amigo. What has stuck with me as one of the finer points of life is that the first time I met you, we got to fighting. Even back then you were bigger than me like you are today, but no one ever said The Sleepless Dreamer was the sharpest tool in the shed.

Two years later and roll call opened the door to a friendship that grew like a teen on protein shakes erryday, erryday. I dunno who opened the door, whether it was me, or you, or mutual, but I'm glad it opened. You quickly made a place for yourself in my world and since then we've never looked back.

You're funny, retarded, smart, quick to laugh (especially at me), muscle bound and, most of all, you are an unabashed show-off. It's like someone took TSD, broadened his shoulders, added triceps, BBQ flame sauce and nuclear weapons and then made him an extrovert. The other half of this dream team. I know I'm evil and, lets face it, we all know you bad(ass). Bad certainly met Evil that year.

So big brother, you're officially a worldwide adult while baby boy remains the runt of the family. Thing is, though, we're family. I don't see you nearly as much as I used to or want to but you know blood and DNA doesn't exclude you from la familia. You know that you have a little brother in me and I have a big brother in you. You came to me during your lows and you were certainly there for mine. You still are. Salute, brother, to one of the realest and illest.

Make that money were it's due. I got your back, whatever you do. You ever need someone gone, who's throat is it? Stay scheming, stay real and stay you. The day I met you marked you as a rival. That hasn't changed. Challenge me and I'll definitely give it back. We've been locked in an eternal struggle since day one. And I ain't going anywhere.

Here's to many more years of rivalry and one-upmanship. Here's to the happy days ahead. Here's to you growing into hal shub el 7elo (that nice [all senses of the word] man, it loses meaning in translation but just know it's a rare compliment from me). Most of all, here's to YOU!

I know you've already seen it, but Happy Birthday my brother. You'll get this when I see you next.

One last time; Happy Birthday, Brother. Welcome, finally, to the world.

The Sleepless Dreamer

1 comment:

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen. #lafamilia. Enough said!
    Much Love, Brother.
