Thursday, August 8, 2013

Get Buck In Here (Just Hold On, We're Going Home)

I was born sinning
But I live better than that (better tonight)
If you ain’t fucking with that
I don’t care (yeah, yeah, yeah)

Before we start.....

I told y'all that I was still on holidays. Uni may have started but I still took the liberty of taking a 4 day trip up to a little place called Smiggin Holes, a 2 minute drive from Perisher Valley, with a bunch of my friends. Why, I hear you asking? To mourn the death of my mate's single life. He's getting married...BUCK'S NIGHT, YEAH MAYNE!

Day 1 - Thursday

The night time drive to the snow. Six hours of driving. One stop on the way past Costco, Canberra and the rest of the world. I hear I'm really entertaining, if not a little loud while others are trying to sleep. Keep the laughs rolling and the trip seems that much shorter and friendships are strengthened. They tell me that I can make a fool of myself very easily. I have no problem with this. In fact, I'm glad. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

Arrival time: 3:30...A.M. Now, I'm not cut from the same cloth as humans when it comes to cold. I seem to have an immunity to it, which is a blessing most of the time. But even an inhuman such as me could feel the icy chill through my admittedly lacking layers. Still, SNOW! Bags unloaded and up to sleep. Top bunks for me!!!

Day 2 - Friday

Four hours of sleep later and breakfast was served. Hash browns and bacon and eggs and toast and sausages and hash browns and juice and hash browns and more hash browns. Did I mention the hash browns? You can probably tell I like hash browns just a little bit. 

Chill session, chill day. Didn't hire any gear as it was coming with a friend of sorts, so I stayed at the lodge with some friends awaiting the snowstorms that would colour in the mountains.

They say I'm not normal. I say it wasn't cold.

Lunch at Perisher. Italian. Sleepy D's favourite. All those carbs. Full time bulking overload. That Spaghetti Gamberoni. Now, it's just something that The Sleepless Dreamer has to do whenever he goes to an Italian restaurant: try the Gamberi/Gamberoni pasta. I've had it at so many places now and the best one I've found has closed down. Ironic, really. Too much capsicum in this one. Like way too much. The cook must've just been giving it away. I had about three capsicums in my plate and like two prawns. Wow. 

Chill the night away. A Corona to make me sleepy even though I needed to stay up till midnight. Waiting on the Bachelor to drive up as well as the man who never made it up. Extenuating circumstances and all. Prayers go out to you, brother.

Bach boy finally made it up at 11:30PM but not before I had the perfectly rational idea to do, well, this...

Day 3 - Saturday

Hired toboggans. Climbed to the top of mountains. Went all the way down at exhilarating speeds. So. Much. Fun.

Power Ranger mode...activate!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. TSD stacked it so many times.

The superheroes of the mountain.

Wait a minute. Hold up. What? Buck's Night! Started with Trivia and alcohol. Perfect combination. Merlot. Rekorderlig. Loudness. Mafia. Videos I can't put up here. A midnight run to the pub. More alcohol. Yum. This time it didn't make me sleepy. Two full glasses of wine, two bottles of Rekorderlig, Jaegerbombs, Canadian Club and Lemonade, something with vodka and shots of Frangelico. And that was just me staying sober. I can't speak for the other guys who were, let's say....less sober than TSD. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right? What a great night.

Day 4 - Sunday

Breakfast, packing, checking out and chilling. Then Church. Can't forget my Sunday obligations. Cheers, homie, for making it an unforgettable weekend and making it all possible. You the best :)

So cute! St. Columbkille Catholic Church, Jindabyne.

The view. Everything He touches is beautiful.

  What a weekend,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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