Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rolled a couple hits, now my account looks crazy

It's our moment, you can't take it away
Life's what you make it
And we're making bread

So I promised a pix and explanations.

The Deed: Attempting First Dan Black Belt Grading
The Test: A series of patterns, sparring, pain-inducing self-defence, head knocks and breaking of wood
The Results:
Sparring: Went well. Copped a knock to the head or two, dished out a few hits, received some back. setups and ploys that worked and sometimes didn't. Overall success.
Patterns: *Barney Stinson voice* Nailed it!
Self-Defence: Knew half, made up the rest on the go; it seemed to work. Pain was indeed induced.
Wood Breaking:

I think the results are self evident. Top: Punched through, Bottom: Jumping kicked through

The kicked one is about as thick as my index finger (approx 1.5cm)

So I'm thinking maybe, just maybe I passed :P
And by thinking I mean I'm pretty damn confident about it right now.

And the celebratory splurge. I mean, let's be honest, it was a long time coming for these.

The Blu-Ray blood and gore of the Ancient Greek Mythology always washes down well on a HD screen

Who doesn't wanna see Mike Tyson's tiger in Blu-Ray ;)

The Classics. Enough said, really.

And just cos it was cheap and there and I like the first one.

Part II of the CD collection. This one is really good. I actually love a lot of the songs on this one. Ahhh the nostalgia of Nelly's Ride Wit Me.

OHOHOH ALSO, I just placed an order for the limited edition of Halo 4. Yes, I plan on online multiplayer with my mates. And yes, I am a nerd. And what? =P

So there you have it folks. An explanation of sorts and lots of pretty pictures. Hope you enjoyed it.

Hey! Must be the money!,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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