Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Clock on the wall, now or never at all?

My best friend is back in town! My sister! Family. She's even taller than before! That's not cool, seeing as now she's almost my height. And I don't like being shorter than a girl. Call it an ego thing. Lord knows I've got a huge one.

So here I was, calmly having decided my day of uni was complete and that I had no need to stick around when a mate calls and says "Come to the food court, I got a surprise for you". So I journey to this land of long awaited food. I find my mate with a few other friends. Out of nowhere my vision is blocked by two hands reaching over my shoulder. I turn to accost my attacker. Lo and behold, it is my best friend from Queensland!

A cursory lunch followed. My favourite, the meatbox, was once again challenged in battle and for the umpteenth time, I succeeded in its demolition. Max Brenner the next destination. Chocolate battling commenced when my nose was the target of a vicious chocolatey based spoon thwack. Retaliation and laughter followed. Much amusement was had that day.

To Strathfield. And CC's. A brief second lunch. Cos that's what us Lebs are. Bottomless pits of food crunching. Four Southern Fried Chicken Strips. Whatever southern fried means. Winner winner, chicken dinner? I think so. Except it was lunch.

And then a farewell to thee for the now. I shall see thine face sooneth. Righteth? I know, I know, it sounds stupid to me too. Shakespeare can keep his play speak. I'll stick to the native tongue of the dreamers. I'm happy today.

They call me a visionary,

The Sleepless Dreamer.

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