Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back into it.

Well. The New Year's started, hope y'all had a good one. I had a good one, one that was very good and nearly exactly how i wanted it, but not to worry aye? Theres always next year (maybe not for those of you who believe in the 2012 destruction of the planet o.o) right?

So the year's started and it feels just like another day, yet, it's always a bit different. Re-evaluating what we did and what we didn't do, gives a lot to think about. And sets everyone up for what they SAY they'll do in this new year, and what they'll ACTUALLY do in the new year. I've hit a fair few goals in 2011, and in 2012, i aim to continue to knock down obstacles and really build up what i've got.

After hitting and completing a few goals tho, it's been like a realisation of what you are. What you do, is what you are. It's not what you've done in the past, it's not HOW you were in the past. It's about now. And the hardest thing about that is that so much of it is how people see you, it's rare to find someone who won't ask and then judge your past. But that's cool sometimes. Sometimes it's a surprise when you're a completely different person.

I'm tired. Sleepless nights have rolled over and caused quite a deficit in my energy throughout the day, it's been like dragging a car along with me wherever i walk, squatting the whole world on my shoulders everytime i stand. And what's worse, sleep can't be made up for. Trialled and proven. Your body 'feels' like you made up for sleep, but it actually calibrates itself to a lower standard overall, so you only 'feel' like you're back to normal. Smart body, good feeling, but negative effect. It's alrite to be a night owl, but remember, try not to NOT sleep. LOL

Bringin' it back, things lined up, gotta get driver's real soon, my driving's confident, my parkings improved considerably, now all i need to do is get someone to give me the thumbs up on my skills so i can dive head first into the test and OWN it!

Tired, wait, I've said that before but yeah. I'm tired and suffering DOMS. it's been far too long since i've trained. But what can you do with Christmas and NY so close together aye? hahahaha, i'll tell you what you CAN do, you can enjoy it! But now the parties over. Time to get back to work! May this year be better than the last but not better than the next! Cheers!

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

P.S. I have this feeling. Just a feeling.

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