Friday, December 30, 2011

Syrup, Painkillers, Cigarettes, Weed

So I FINALLY figured out (with a LOT of help from Jyamaigo) why I haven't been able to post. My friggin browser doesn't support the post button. So I've had to go and use a different browser just to make a post. What an effort, right? The things I do for the readers who I think I have out there and are possibly non-existent except for in my head, mind, imagination thing.

Get me some syrup. Or painkillers. Cigarettes not so much. Don't like the smoke. Maybe some weed. Depends on the effect it'd have on me. Hell, just get me everything. Particularly painkillers. Few cuts and bruises I have that would do quite nicely with a painkiller. It might just hit the spot.

And yow. Merry belated Christmas to y'all, now that I once again have a post button. I guess that was Jyamaigo's gift to me. The gift of a little bit of internetz know-how. I suppose I had a jolly Christmas. A fun time it definitely can be. A fun time I think I definitely had. But now it's over.

Mummy's left me. Took herself and my brother on an overseas vacation. Left stuck at home with daddy boy. Guess who's stuck with all the cooking and cleaning? You're a long way from boasting and bragging now, Mr Sleepless Sleepyhead. And guess what? The tension is finally starting to build. It's been building for a while but you know, eruptions and all. Not feeling it at the moment. It being the love.

Life's mysteries aren't so mysterious anymore. Losing the ability to appreciate them. Such an analytical mind wasting away. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to see. Except one. And it sucks because no matter what I do, the dice never rolls in my favour. But oh well, I just keep betting and hoping that one day Miss Lady Luck will shine her big ass beaming forehead my way and just shine some dust on me. Like Pixie Dust. But BETTER =D. One can hope and one can dream. That's what I do best. I sit here and dream. One day, I'll shape the reality.

Now feel the static,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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